Is It Illegal to Kill A Bat?

is it illegal to kill a bat


Yes, killing bats in many countries, including the United States, is illegal. Animal control is essential, especially in and around your home; there are different ways to go about this. 

However, you may not be allowed to deploy violent methods against some animals, including some bat species. This is because these bat species are federally protected for several reasons.

Have you ever had a bat enter your personal space and don’t know what to do about it? Most people who find bats in their homes are often unsure what to do or how to get them out. Well, you should know that most bat species are protected, and you may not be allowed to attack your intruder. 

Hence, you must find subtle methods to get them out. Is it illegal to kill a bat? The answer is yes, and this article will explain why and highlight some excellent ways to remove them from your property.

What is a Bat?

Many believe that bats are birds or a related specie, but this assumption is far from accurate. Bats are mammals from the order Chiroptera, the only mammals capable of true flight. Unlike birds, bats adopt their limbs as wings. 

Bats ate arguably among the smallest mammals, but some larger species, like the flying fox, can reach a weight of 1.6kg with a wingspan of almost 2 meters.

is it illegal to kill a bat

There are about 1,400 bat species scattered across different continents. Most of these species feed solely on fruits and nectar, but others are insectivorous and prefer to feed on insects. Bats are mainly nocturnal, with most species only active during the night when their sight is strongest. But contrary to a widespread belief, most bats can also see clearly during the day.

While some bats are antisocial and prefer solitary lives, most species live in large colonies consisting of millions. Colonies increase the chances of survival and promote reproduction. Bats have a relatively longer lifespan than other small mammals, with dome species having a life expectancy of over 30 years.

Are Bats Household Pests?

In all fairness, bats are more of a friendly critter than pests. But it can raise concerns when they decide to lodge in your house, and a colony of bats in your attic may not be a good sign. These animals are pretty beneficial and often do not pose any direct threats to humans. 

However, they often dwell in numbers and may not be good news for the woodwork in your attic. Also, bats may carry parasites like fleas and lice that can easily be transferred to your household pets.

Bats do not bite humans, except in sporadic cases when they feel threatened. But their sounds, scratches, and flapping can be annoying at night, and the smell of their droppings can be unbearable.

Why is It Illegal to Kill a Bat?

Sometimes, this is the only question that pops into your mind when bats make their way into your attic or a nearby building where their noise disturbs your home at night, and you know there’s only a little you can do about it. 

Bats play a vital role in nature, and their population is under threat due to habitat loss, have made them an endangered specie in most countries. Therefore, they are now protected by state and federal laws to prevent them from going extinct along with their values. 

is it illegal to kill a bat

Here are some essential roles bats play in the ecosystem.

  • Insect Control: Do you know that bats are critical for insect infestation control? You already know how annoying insect pests can be around the home and in gardens. But you may not know that bats feed on most of these insects, eliminating many of them and protecting you from their attacks. Studies have shown that bats can eat their weight in mosquitoes every night, reducing the effects of the notorious insect pest.
  • Agricultural Benefit: Bats have other agricultural benefits apart from the fact that they help to eliminate a large portion of pests that plague farms. They can aid pollination in a process known as chiropterophily. Bats are the primary pollinators of nocturnal flowers since they only bloom after sunset.

Where are Bats Protected?

Bats are protected in almost all developed and developing countries because of their ecological benefits. In the United States, they are protected by The Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act of 1934 and The Federal Endangered Species Act of 1973

These acts help preserve endangered species from extinction by protecting them and their habitats from being hunted. The act also assigns strict penalties for offenders who break the law by killing bats or attacking their homes.

Best Ways to Remove Bats from Your Properties

If you find a bat nesting area in or around your home disturbing, you may need to do something about it. But you can not approach these animals like regular pests since they are protected species, or you will face the stipulated penalty. 

is it illegal to kill a bat

Here are some of the best ways to remove bats from your property.  

  • Increase Temperature: Bats are fond of slightly cooler habitats between 70 – 90°F and may not feel comfortable in places with higher temperatures. Hence, introducing a heater to increase the temperature of your attic slightly will make it inconvenient for bats to nest.
  • Install Lights: Bats are nocturnal, which means they prefer darker places and may not be able to withstand bright lights. Therefore, another legal way to rid your attic of bats is by installing lights.
  • Ultrasonic Pest Repeller: An ultrasonic pest repeller is a device that emits high-pitched sounds that can be heard by animals but not humans. The sound often irritates animals in the vicinity and forces them to evacuate. This is the best way to evict bats from your home without risking punishment.


Bats are unique creatures with several ecological benefits. But their population decline has made them an endangered specie and prompted the need to protect them. 

Is it illegal to kill a bat? The answer is yes, and this article has explained why.