Fruit Bat Diet: What Do Fruit Bats Eat?

what do fruit bats eat


There are lots of different types of bats, and each one has its own diet. But what do fruit bats eat? What kind of foods do they enjoy? If you don’t know, don’t worry – most people don’t. But it’s actually pretty interesting! Fruit bats are unusual in that they are the only truly flying mammals. They also have an interesting diet – mostly fruit, but also some insects. 

In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at what fruit bats eat and how their diet affects their behavior. Stay tuned!

Where Fruit Bats Can Be Found?

Fruit bats are found in a variety of habitats, from dense rainforests to open woodlands. They are native to Africa, Asia, and Oceania, and their diets consist primarily of fruit and nectar. While most fruit bats are relatively small, some species can have a wingspan of over six feet. 

what do fruit bats eat

Unfortunately, fruit bats are threatened by habitat loss and hunting, and their populations are declining in many parts of the world. Nonetheless, these fascinating creatures play an important role in their ecosystems, and efforts are underway to protect them from further decline.

How Do Fruit Bats Find Food?

Fruit bats are some of the most interesting creatures in the animal kingdom. Unlike other bats, they don’t spend their time hanging out in caves or caverns. Instead, these dynamic creatures can often be found dangling from fruit-bearing trees like mango and banana trees. 

Of course, spending all day hanging around fruit trees isn’t all fun and games. These bats have to work hard to find food. Fortunately, they’re equipped with both an excellent sense of smell and sharp vision, which come in handy when hunting for something to eat. 

Hundreds of different fruits grow on trees and plants, providing plenty of options for the bat’s next meal. And whether they’re eating on the fly or landing to enjoy their meal, fruit bats are always on the lookout for a tasty treat. 

Of course, being larger than most other types of bats comes with its own challenges. Specifically, it can be difficult for them to consume the fruit without landing in mid-air. 

what do fruit bats eat

But, have you ever stopped to wonder how exactly bats eat fruit? Some people might picture them chomping down on apple whole as we do. However, that’s not exactly how it works. 

Bats actually consume the pulp and juices of the fruit after crushing it with their teeth. They can also feed on nectar from fruit trees, which is found in fruit blossoms. Their eating habits benefit the environment due to cross-pollination properties. They spit out the seeds as they chew on the fruit, which is how many of these fruit plants spread. 

Furthermore, pollen grains are caught in the fur, and some of this rubs off on other flowers visited by the bat. As a result, the bat pollinates the flowers, allowing trees to produce seeds and fruits. 

What Do Fruit Bats Eat?


As their name suggests, fruit bats enjoy eating fruit. In fact, about 60% of their diet is fruits! 

They are particularly fond of a wide variety of fruits, including but not limited to orchids, bananas, strawberries, apples, tomatoes, blueberries, berries, cherries, mulberries, passionfruit, mangoes, jackfruit, mandarins, pineapple, pomegranate, coconuts, oranges, avocado, grapes, and lemons. 

While they are technically classified as flying foxes, fruit bats are far more likely to be found hanging out in trees munching on their favorite snacks. 

what do fruit bats eat

Insects and Animals

While fruit bats are perhaps best known for their love of fruit, these unique creatures actually have a very diverse diet. 

In addition to fruits, they also consume insects, bugs, mosquitoes, fish, rats, birds, worms, wasps, crickets, grasshoppers, lizards, termites, and other small animals. While they do enjoy the occasional insect snack, fruit bats prefer fruits and will often travel long distances in order to find their favorite meals. 

This preference for fruit is what gives these bats their name. In addition to fruits and insects, fruit bats also consume shrubs, seeds, pumpkins, plants, olives, figs, bamboo, blood, citrus, moths, and other insects. 

As you can see, these creatures have a very wide range of dietary preferences! Despite their diverse diet, however, fruit bats still prefer fruits above all else.

Wrapping Up

Fruit bats are omnivorous and feed on a variety of fruits, vegetables, insects, and other small animals. This makes them an important part of the ecosystem, as they help to pollinate flowers and spread seeds. 

By understanding more about the diet of fruit bats, we can learn how to deal with them when they become a menace. 

Have you ever seen a fruit bat in person?